Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Of Mice and Men Entry Three

There are many displays of power in Of Mice and Men. Today's questions are about the nature of power. Answer the questions below by writing at least three paragraphs. Choose one the of the questions and relate the characters in the novella to it, otherwise, you may write your opinions  about the other questions from personal experience, current events or history.
Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?

What are the benefits to having power?

How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?

How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?

How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?

What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?

What do you think about people who do this?


  1. Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?
    *the police they are powerful because they have some control over thing people can and can not do. they also help to protect us.
    What are the benefits to having power?
    *some benefits to having power is that have command and control.
    How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?
    * people that are not in power tend to act very cruel to those who are in power.
    How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?
    How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?
    *i dont know

    What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?
    *by trying to make the other person wrong and make their own way right this ties into the mice and men because curley tries to make lennie feel inferior to him.

    What do you think about people who do this?
    *i think that people that do that are wrong not everyone is always right

  2. Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?

    The police because the wield guns, and guns have fire power therefore can threaten a life, so if you don't do what the police tells you to, you either get shot or get shot, live and go to jail. :D

    What are the benefits to having power?

    The benefits of having power is that you can have a command towards someone and they either have to listen to you or suffer the consequences.

    How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?

    They usually fall to their defeat and beg the powerful guy for mercy, but some of these people man it up and go against the man with great power, therefore over throwing him/her creating new room for power either way power is passed on.

    How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?

    they have a closer connection to their peers helping them stick together to have a power in number.

    How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?

    they want power so they act like they have it when really their mind is taken over by a mind of ignorance causing them to lose his or her friend.

    What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?

    well, in order to make yourself look superior to others therefore creating a thought that you have power and people will look up to you, this ties in with mice and men because Curley was trying to make Lennie look stupid and dumb.

    What do you think about people who do this?

    I think that there is a need for this superior power crap, because why are we all consider to be made equal by god and yet we live in a world with NO MATTER WHAT is still no EQUALITY!?? O_o

  3. Athletes, Celebrities, police are all people with a level of authority which makes them powerful. if you have money, money usually comes with power so rich people and famous people have power. people benefit from power because when u have power people listen because they want to be like you and they want to have the same money you have. people that are not in power usually react to their peers by not caring because they want to have powerful friends because then they too can be seen as powerful.people want to be seen as superior to others because they want to be respected.

  4. I would say President Obama and my mother are powerful people. I would say they are powerful because they have the ability to make major decisions and with their decisions, are major effects. Obama affects the United States with the decisions he makes (whether they are positive or negative), and my mother affects her household with the decisions she makes. Having power can allow a person to do whatever he/she wants to.

    I don't really feel that there are people who doesn't have power. But, people who have LESS power than others feel less superior and can sometimes feel their decisions are not the correct ones made. People try to show their superiority by making decisions and choices that will affect other people. They try to make decisions that show their position in society.

    I personally feel that people who do this have every right to do so as long as they don't go overboard and abuse their position.

  5. 1.Some people who are powerful are people involved in the government, people with a lot of money . Their powerful because they have the authority because they have money and they was placed in different classes.
    2.You get treated different and people might look at you different.And people would do anything for you as long as they give you money.
    3.A person can be jealous or may act a certain way because of the money and success you have.
    4.They would act normal to you because you and your peer are in the same situations.
    5.They would maybe look down at them and make them seem like they are higher in authority because they see that someone is below them.
    6.They may say and do things that are harmful . They also would judge them.
    7.I think its not right and i think everyone should be given the same values and be treated the same .

  6. Powerful people that are well known include president Obama and the Pope. The benefits of having power is that you can control certain things and sometimes people. People not in power commonly either rebel or just follow authority. They often rebel because they do not agree with the person and/or they don't think that person should be in power.
    People commonly act towards their peers as equals unless they are racist or also do not agree with that person's views or actions. Most people treat people below them as little and unimportant. Since they do not have the same level of power they do not matter. Sometimes if a person of lower status voice their opinion they are punished. This is evident in many forms throughout history.
    Ways that people show that they are superior is that they can punish people for minor offenses. They can make examples of people by punishing them, whether or not the punishment is physical or through slander. I think people who do this are ignorant and power hungry. They abuse their authority for personal gain. They do not deserve this authority or power if it is not for the benefit of everyone beneath them.

  7. Powerful people are people involved in the government and the higher authorities. What they say is taken more importantly than what a regular person would say. the consequences are severe so people listen.
    When people have power they have a say and there interest and ideas are put first, which is sad to say. Put some people with power can advocate for peple who are less fortunate.
    People who dont have power tend to not respect the person in power because they feel the person wants to have control over them. They act different towards the person.
    people who are not in power look down on others that are below them. they feel that they have more and are more deserving. They are not humble all the time.
    people try to show they are superior to others by having tittles and being in the front all the time, they tell others what to do and and treat them like there ideas dont matter.
    people who do this are not respectable.

  8. Being in power can be benificial because those in power can make an impact on those not in power and maybe even help them out. Most people not in power react negatively to those in power. Some see it as a threat because their being told what to do, vice versa.

    -Flor C.

  9. in my eyes some powerful people are yor grandparents. the reason why they are powerful is because they've been through alot and they've seen more than more young eyes can beer.

  10. Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?
    What are the benefits to having power?
    there are many benefits of having like you are in conrol
    How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?
    they tend to not like the people in power
    How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?
    they tend to act normally

    How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?
    to me they tend to look down on them
    What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?
    they try to boss other people around
    What do you think about people who do this?
    some rise agianst it or some just deal with it

  11. These are good ideas, but make sure you write in paragraphs instead of just writing answers to the questions. The questions are to help frame your thinking. Additionally, YOU MUST MAKE A CONNECTION TO AT LEAST ONE OF THE QUESTIONS TO THE NOVELLA.

  12. Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?
    There are many powerful people in the world for example; parents, teachers, police officers, the president, the mayor. Parents are powerful b/c they can tell you what to do and not to do. Teachers are powerful b/c in school those are the people who make the rules that you need to follow and who you have to listen to. Police Officers are powerful b/c they have the "power" to Arest you for breaking the law. Etc.
    What are the benefits to having power?
    The benefits to having power is that you can do what ever you want..
    How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?
    People without power are most likely jealous of people with power. people who are in power look at other people like they are better then them.
    What do you think about people who do this? I think that people with power should not treat people without power any different then anyone else. Just because they have power doesnt mean that they are any better!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Everybody has some measure of power over something or someone else. This is true because we can all manipulate our surroundings and influence others. These abilities are the benefits of power.

    People in power often do not like those with less power. The feeling is mutual. There is a lot of variation in the interactions between people of equal power.

    In Of Mice and Men, people express power in several different ways. Curley uses treats and intimidation. George has a natural power over Lennie because Lennie trusts and depends on him. Even though Lennie is far stronger physically, George is clearly dominant in that relationship because of his superior intelligence.

  15. president is the most powerful...because they have more power than peoples...benefits to having power is that have command and control....people that are not in power usually react to their peers by not caring because they want to have powerful friends because, then they too can be seen as powerful....powerful people are think they are the best in the world but sometime they lost their power...

  16. How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?
    People who are not in power I would think they generally feel the need to stand up for themselves and show that those in power cant hold them down like they are nothing and inferior. I would know because ever since I was young people who were older would treat me with disrespect because I was the younger one but because of that I grew up rebelious. Just like how countrys rebel against higher powers to gain their freedom I grew up fighting for my freedom and the power to live my life the way i want to.
    As for a connection to the book or (novella) i cant think of anything at the moment.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. One powerful person that I know is the president Barack Obama. He is powerful because he represents the whole country and has the power to make decisions that can effect a whole lot of people. Another powerful person is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah is a powerful person because she is has a lot of money and in a lot of cases money equals power.

    Most of the time the power of the powerful person benefits that person the most. They have the ability to influence those below them and can use their power to make things go their way. A person in power usually has more freedoms as well. For example, if they commit a crime they might have the resources and connections to be acquitted of that crime. On the contrary, a lower class citizen might not have the availability of such resources and connections.

    Some people not power might look up to those in power while others might resent and envy them. People not in power tend to treat their peers as equals and not as inferior. People not in power may treat people that they view as below them as inferior because it gives them their own sense of power and importance. Ways people might show that they are superior is doing things like making demands, ordering those under them around, and making all the decisions for others. I think that people that do this are just looking for a way to be important in the world. They want power so that they are significant.

  19. Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?
    - Some powerful people that I think are the president obama and my mom. They are powerful because they make the decisions. Obamas decisions affects the united states and my mothers decisions afect me and the people in my house.

    What are the benefits to having power?
    - The benefits of having power is being able to make any decision you want,

    How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?
    - They can become angry or jealous that they arent in power

    How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?
    - Umm, i dont know!

    How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?

    What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?
    - They may try to take advantage and go overboard with their power

    What do you think about people who do this?
    - I think that people shouldnt look down on people with out power I think people should know their position and stay in it without stepping over that boundary line.

    This connects to Curly because he has power and everyones afraid of him

  20. I personally believe that people not in power react diffrently to people in power. This is because everyone is diffrent, and have their own views and opinions. A person who isn't in power can have a negative reaction to those in power or they can have a positive reaction to those in power. In of mice and men crooks and all the other men have a somewhat a negative reaction to the people in power because the men in power in the particular book abuse their power, but thats not always the case not everyone abuses their power.

    Some powerful people in this world is or example The President of the United States, Barack Obama, he's powerful because he's obviously the president of the united states. The benifits of having power is sometimes you can control people or certain things so that the odds can work in your favor, or if you dont abuse your power so that the odds can work out for the good of EVERYONE.

    I think the people in powere who purposly try and show thier superiority should NOT be in power, because i personally think that if your trying to show how superior you are to everyone else then you think your better than everyone else, and NO ONE is better than anyone! A person should never think they are better than anyone because everyone is created equal. In the book Of mice and men, curley thinks he's better than everyone there because he's in a poistion of power, so he has that control, Curley is selfish and evil and should nt be in any place of power because he abuses it.

  21. People who have power have a lot of Benefits. They get more opportunity to do as they please and experience things others cant. People aspire to be powerful and they end up being jealous or they look up to them. Some people try to help others and some can just be jerks. The jerks try to show off to others how much they are superior by using they're power to the limit and going over board by intimidating people. People who do this dont deserve to have power. This connects to the book because everyone is afraid of Curley because his family has the power on the ranch.

  22. power is all perspective.think you have no power to change anything? think about this:every choice you make has multiple ramifications and rewards.every decition you make can change your future,and many other peoples futures.still think you have no power? many of those in power in the government have power over a single state or county,but you yourselve can affect things that havent even happened or things that you dont see,to the helth of your kids or your influence on you friends.those in government can make a difference,good and bad,that can be seen instantly,and people can react in different way to those decisions of those in power.those who make a big fuss,like the occupy syracuse,are just doing what is in thier name,occupying syracuse,they are complaining about jobs and not doing anything, like improving the aea that they occupy. that would show that they acctually care about others and not just thier concerned about china taking over as the most powerful country in the world? take back jobs and you solve two problems in one act.

  23. The president Obama is powerful & He has the ability to be because he was elected by many people to be powerful. Many benefits come to having power but you get only so many benefits it's all about where you stand. They hate people with power because people like me hate being overruled but it doesn't really matter majority of the people with power don't care much for those without it. We feel some type of way because we all want whats capable of getting. Some people fight to get there points across but I look at this as entertainment because I don't see people speaking their minds to the max.

  24. Powerful People Are Ppl Who Stop At Nothing to Get What They Want when They Want B'c They Have So Much Power. Powerful Peopple are the people with nice jobs and stable careers and know what they want and where their going. Benifits of having powwer could be anything b,c to me ppl with power have no limit to themselves b'c they strive for greatness and get exactly what they want. people without power , well there are to kinds of those ppl , people who want to be around and be like them and people who hate them but deep down inside wish they also had that kind of power. If People without power reacts to people normally b'c there arent many people in the world that have power . People Always try to make others feel smaller than them whether they realize it or not , it could be in the smallest ways whether they talk down to them like they are important or matter. Talking down to people is always wrong usually people tend to do that b'c maybe they'll think their better than you. Just like in the Story OF MICE AND MEN The Character Curley Symblozies a figure of power in the book , Even though he doesnt have much he still uses the fact that hes the bosses son and is a boxer , he believes he is higher than the men and that they should provide him with the upmost respect b'c of it. you could easliy do it on an accident too, by Talking about how you love your new pair of shoes for example, you might have a nice new pair and know the person next too you doesnt and still go on gloating or boasting about how happy you are making the other person feel small.i wouldnt make an opinion about them either 'c then i would have to make an opinion for both and sometimes i can be that person so i would rather not.

  25. Some powerful people are Oprah Winfrey and The President of the United States. They are powerful people because they can run a country being president or not. The benefits of having power are that you can control people. Having power puts you in charge and people have to listen to you which can make a person feel better.
    For people who are in power and they meet someone with equal or greater power, they feel intimidated and weak knowing they are “better” than most people but not everyone. Also people who are not in power feel normal with other “better” people but may also feel intimidated. People who are not in power but meet people below them they treat them as if they are finally in power and can do whatever they want with them. One example is in Of Mice of Men when Crooks was telling Lennie that George would never come back and was making Lennie feel really sad.
    Ways that people show that they are superior then you is that they become in charge of you. They run the show and you have to everything for them. Also they make you feel bad about yourself. I think people do this to show you that they are powerful and they want to put you down. Not make fun of you but show you that you will never be better than them and that maybe then they will make fun of you to do that. People feel the need to be in power and they are cruel to get there.

  26. The powerful people in my life are my Mother and elderly people that i respect.They are powerful because they make the wise decisions. Having benefits they can control over what can happen or can be done. Sometimes people not in power usually become jealous or try to do it the way they think is best.People not in power try to delete some of their friends and gain some over powering friends so they could become powerful with them.People not in power that have people lower than them try to boss them around to try to have a higher capability of power. Ways people might show that they are superior by making higher demands and ordering more tasks on their behalf not caring abut the person limits.

  27. Barack Obama is a great example of a powerful person. He is a powerful person because he has won the support of many and has the power to do almost anything. One of the benefits of being powerful is that you have the power to answer to no one but themselves.

    People not in power react to people in power by listening and following the orders that a person in power gives. They also give them the top respect. People not in power don't show as much respect to their peers as they would to their superior because they may feel equal to their peers. Usually when you feel equal to someone, you don't really listen or respect what they have to say. People not in power react to people who they perceive as being below with them with utter disrespect. When one feels they are superior to another they don't care what they have to say and do not respect their thoughts at all.

    People try to exercise their superiority to others by telling them what they should and should not do. They also continuously inform them that they are better than them. I think people do this because they like the feeling of being in power, or like to feel they have control.

  28. Hitler was a powerful man, he was powerful because of the fear and hatred he put into his country's mind of one race, the Jews. It was risky to do something like that, but with the power he had, and being a dictator, and can be ruled as a once powerful man that tried to take over the world.

    Power can give you confidence, hope, and new ideas if the power you have is strong over whatever it is. With power you can believe yourself to be invincible, or unstoppable when the power controls you instead of you controlling the power. Power can change you.

    You can either chose to respect them, or go against them, depending on how their power has affected you. Commonly people follow the leader,because they do not possess such power and believe they have no will over the person in power.

    With enough influence the same can apply to their peers, it could be negative positive or just in between.

    Feeling higher than someone can lead to them trying to control them because they believe they have enough power to say so. This can again go both ways, negative the person can revolt and positive the person will follow.

    People began to show off, or start to talk down on people to show off and prove that they are superior to that person. they try to stick to plan and with confidence feel high and mighty about it. They can begin to state they are better or start to eat away at the person's will slowly.

    I think who ever does this can do whatever they want about it. I don't think it's right because I believe everyone is equal and no one should be talked down on or feel any less because of how some one thinks of any other matter. Power does not even have to be big bad and negative, and this might be call an influence, which is the freedom to have that power encourage you, but you do not have to obey.A tiny impacted on someone life.

    In Of Mice In Men George has power over Lennie, but he evenly forces it towards him. In Lennie's case of him not being mentally stable this might be necessary for someone to try and help or control the things he cannot control. This power can be turn into a bad power, but in the story is used for the good of protection. The power is not as strong as George would have thought which resulted in George blowing Lennie's brains out :)

  29. Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?
    some powerful people martin luther king hes powerful because he was a leader and many people looked up to him.

    What are the benefits to having power?
    The benefits to having power mostly you can do whatever you want whenever you want some people can look up to you also you be a leader .

    How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?
    They find it unsuperior and finds out their being told what to do .

    How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?
    -people who are not in power are them self they dont feel like they have to be the boss of that person or feel like their better than them .

    How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?
    -sometines they treat them like their lower class
    What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?

    What do you think about people who do this?
    nothing reallly .

  30. I believe that president Barack Obama is powerful. He is powerful because he stands up for his rights, he is a great parent, and he is the leader of our country. He's looked at as a role model for young African American men, and gives a good impression on African Americans that anything is possible if you just believe. People's benefits to having power is being able to make others follow demands.

    People that aren't powerful usually seem to view powerful people as leaders and they feel following them would be the right thing to do. Sometimes people that arent powerful disagree with those who have power because they feel that the people with power shouldn't have the power that they have. People that dont have power react to their peers as equals. They feel as if they dont have any rights, they stand in the same boat, and the feel that they share alot in common. These people might even have a reason to compete with others that are like them. Those who dont't have power also view people that are below them as someone they have the cahnce to have power over. They'll be demanding over them and they'll make them feel like how the powerful people make them feel.

    The different ways people show they are superior to others is by telling them what to do and making hem feel like they aren't needed. They even make it obvious that they have power. Other ways to they show people they are superior by making decision less powerful people couldn't make. People like this are ok as long as they conduct good conversations with those who are less powerful, and they should know how to treat the less powerful people.
