Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Of Mice and Men Entry Three

There are many displays of power in Of Mice and Men. Today's questions are about the nature of power. Answer the questions below by writing at least three paragraphs. Choose one the of the questions and relate the characters in the novella to it, otherwise, you may write your opinions  about the other questions from personal experience, current events or history.
Who are some powerful people and why are they powerful?

What are the benefits to having power?

How do people not in power commonly react to those in power?

How do people not in power commonly react to their peers?

How do people not in power react to those they perceived are below them?

What are ways people try to show they are superior to others?

What do you think about people who do this?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Of Mice and Men Entry Two

I loved reading your post on friendship!

Today, I would like you to write about loneliness, which is a major theme in Of Mice and Men. Write three paragraphs in response. You may either write them on your blog or reply to my post.

Why do some people feel loneliness so poignantly, while others do not?
When are the times most people are lonely?
Is there a difference between being alone and lonely?
Discuss how the idea of loneliness is shown in Of Mice and Men.
How do we know loneliness is a major state of being on the ranch?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Of Mice and Men Entry One

Hello! We're reading Of Mice and Men in our English class right now. Later in the year, another English class will also read the novella and we will be able to connect through our blogs about the book and our ideas about it.

1/9/12: What are the qualities of a good friend? What are the qualities of a bad friend? Write about a person or different people who have been supportive of you, either through out your life or for just one phase of it. How did they help you? What did you learn from them? How do you support them? (Write at least three paragraphs and remember, this will be published to the web, so check your spelling and grammar.)

After you post your blog, comment on at least three classmates' blogs. Keep it positive and clean. (Remember, this is being published to the web).